ScheduleOnce 5.5 adds a revamped website integration section, an important time zone feature and follow-up emails.
New Website Integration section
The new website integration section expands on our previous website integration capabilities and adds the following features:
- ScheduleOnce widget: You can configure a multi-channel widget and add it to your website or blog. The widget allows your customers to schedule appointments, send quick notes, or use the displayed phone number to make a call. The widget is fully configurable and it also works on mobile devices! Learn more about the ScheduleOnce widget
- Brandless embed: We have improved our brandless embed capabilities and added five themes that you can choose from: Blue, Gray, Dark gray, White and Green. Learn more about our brandless embed.
- Website buttons: The website buttons can now open the page in a lightbox (overlay pop-up) or in a new page. The buttons also allow you to choose a theme from the five available. Learn more about our Website buttons.
Desktop embed is now responsive
If you have previously embedded our desktop interface we have now made it responsive to mobile devices. This means that if someone will access your embedded page from a mobile device they will automatically receive the mobile interface. For best results it is also recommended that your website in which ScheduleOnce is embedded will be responsive as well.
Automatic redirect has moved to the Booking section
The Automatic redirect feature was previously under the Website integration section and can now be found in the Booking section. Since the Booking section moves to the service when services are used, you will now be able to create different redirects for different services, a feature that was not previously possible. For example, you can now redirect to a different external payment page for each service (this is not our online payment functionality, just an interim solution until we have it in place).
Restrict time slots to customer’s local working hours
This feature is a must for those who have clients in time zones that are multiple hours apart from your time zone. This feature will only display the time slots that fall within the customer’s local working hours so that they don’t see times at 1:00am in the morning, think that it is actually 1:00pm and end up booking a time that does not work for them. For example, you are in the UK and have availability from 9am - 5pm. Customers in the USA in the Eastern time zone will see 4am - 12pm without the working hour restriction. With the working hours restriction feature they will only see 8am - 12pm which are the times that make sense for their local working hours.
Another benefit of not showing time slots that are outside your customer's local working hours is that this will not expose that fact that you are in a remote time zone. You can find this feature under the "Convert time slots to customer's time zone" setting in the Booking section.
Follow-up emails
You can now create a follow-up email that will be automatically sent to the customer at a set time after the scheduled time. Since the follow up email is based on the appointment time, if the appointment is canceled or rescheduled the follow-up email will adjust accordingly.
If you have any questions about the new release feel free to contact us.