Version 10.1 includes updates to our new product, ChatOnce. After a successful early entry period, we've now opened ChatOnce to the public with no need to request access.
In addition, we've added audience templates, allowing for a faster and easier setup experience. Learn more about ChatOnce
We also improved the way you and your Users can update availability in OnceHub. You can now set your availability through your profile, so you only need to update once for your availability to change across all the Booking pages you or your Users own.
This version also includes some updates to the OnceHub API and contacts. We've switched to v2.0 of our API and added functionality to our account objects and webhooks. Visit our Developer Center
ChatOnce audience templates
Using audiences helps you tailor the chat experience for each subset of visitors as they navigate through your website. You can segment website visitors into audiences and target them with relevant conversations. Throughout unlimited websites, you can use this to target audiences in a specific region, associated with a campaign, based on their activity, and other personalized options.
Now, setup is faster and easier with audience templates. When you create a new audience, you can configure one from scratch or select from a pre-configured template to edit based on your preferences.
User availability
Previously, you could only set availability within each Booking page. This meant that, whenever you or your team members needed to update their availability, they needed to go individually to every page they owned and manually update the recurring or date-specific availability for those pages.
When you update your User availability, all the Booking pages you own can reflect this immediately. By default, all new Booking pages will use the owner’s date-specific availability. Any Booking pages already created before this release will not reflect User availability unless you switch to it, so your settings stay the same.
OnceHub contact export and deletion
Every person who interacts with your OnceHub products, whether by scheduling through ScheduleOnce or engaging with a bot in ChatOnce, has a contact record. This central data object includes the most up-to-date information from all engagements with the same person. Their contact record stores data in fields you've defined in OnceHub, along with system default fields such as name, email, and company. These contact fields can be customized for your organization.
Now you can export a list of all your account's contacts through the OnceHub API. This helps if you'd like to update an internal database or CRM.
If you've received a data deletion request from a customer, as per the GDPR, you can now delete that contact entirely from the system through our API.
Learn more about contacts in OnceHub
Learn more about exporting and deleting contacts
OnceHub API v2.0
We've updated our API to a new version that includes both webhooks (as in the previous version) and multiple objects your developers can retrieve from our system.
The API offers two types of data for you to access:
1. Data related to your bookings, including the booking creation time, appointment time, customer data, and more. You can use the booking object for this.
2. Internal account data. Objects include:
- Booking pages
- Event types
- Master pages
- Contacts
- Users