Welcome! If your account was created after January 20, 2025, you are using our new Booking Calendars [New].
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Room and resource scheduling with team or panel pages [Legacy]

In this article, you'll learn about the recommended setup for booking resources such as rooms directly, where the resource is the entity that is being booked.

If you need to accept appointments and also reserve a resource, see the following articles: 

Steps to set up scheduling for rooms and resources:

ImportantResource scheduling can be done with Outlook Calendar or Google Calendar in your connected calendar, or with organizational resource calendars. 

Learn more about using Exchange resource calendars

Learn more about using G Suite resource calendars

  1. If you are not using organizational resource calendars, create a calendar for each resource. All resource calendars can be created in your calendar as sub calendars.
  2. In Booking pages, go to Setup and create a Booking page for each resource.
  3. In the Associated calendars section of each Booking page, select the resource's calendar as the calendar in which bookings are created and as the calendar that busy time is retrieved from.
  4. In the Booking page Public content section, you can add tags for each resource. This will allow Customers to filter the resource list by tag properties. This additional filter enables Customers to quickly and efficiently find the appropriate resource and make a booking.
  5. At this point, you need to decide between two approaches: you can either use Booking pages only, or you can use Booking pages and Event types. Event types can be used to specify the booking duration, and enable you to use Payment integration, which you can use to collect payment every time the resource is booked. A different price can be set for each Event type specifying the different booking durations. Learn more about using multiple Event types
  6. Once you're done with the settings, create a Master page. If you want resources to be automatically assigned to bookings, select Team or panel page in the New Master page pop-up (Figure 1).
    Figure 1: New Master page pop-up
  7. Go to the Event types and assignment section


    When you use a team or panel page, you can generate one-time links which are good for one booking only.

    One-time links eliminate any chance of unwanted repeat bookings. A Customer who receives the link will only be able to use it for the intended booking and will not have access to your underlying Booking page. One-time links can be personalized, allowing the Customer to pick a time and schedule without having to fill out the Booking form.

  8. Add one or more Event types.
  9. Select the Event types that you want to offer in your Master page. 
  10. Select Booking pages or Resource pools to provide your Event types. 
  11. In the Labels and instructions section, define the Public labels. In the Public content section, provide details which your Customers see when they book with you.

You're all set! To test your Master page, go to the Master page Overview and make a test booking by using the public link in the Share & Publish section. 

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