Accepting appointments for yourself using Event types [Legacy]

When you accept appointments for yourself, people come to your Booking page and book appointments with you automatically or with your approval

If your Booking page is associated with Event types, take the following steps to customize your Event type for personal appointment scheduling. Remember to click the Save button after each step.

  1. Select the relevant Event type.
  2. Click Scheduling options. Select your preferred mode between Automatic booking or Booking with approval.
  3. Click Time slot settings. Set your preferred duration, Time slot display, Workload rules, Timeframe rules, and other settings related to time slots.
  4. Click Booking form and redirect.Select the Booking form that will be used to gather valuable information when your Customers book online.
  5. Click Customer notifications. Select which notifications your Customers will receive and by which delivery method (email or SMS).
  6. Click Payment and cancel/reschedule policy. Select a Payment and pricing option and choose your cancellation and reschedule policies.
  7. Click Public content and update the event information.
  8. Review the rest of the Booking page settings for final adjustments.

You can create a quick test booking by going to the Booking page associated with this Event type. In the Overview section, use the public booking link in the Share & Publish section to make sure that everything is exactly as you want it.

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