Custom Booking domain [Legacy]

Custom Booking domains are available to eligible account holders. Please contact us for more details.

OnceHub uses the domain for your Booking page links. If you want to use a custom domain for your Booking pages, the OnceHub domain option can be replaced with your own domain. For example, if your domain is and your Booking page link is, you can use as your custom Booking page link.

To enable this, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. In your domain's DNS settings, add a CNAME for If you are not sure how to do this, we recommend that you type into Google "Add CNAME to <Your DNS host>" and you will get specific instructions. For example, if your DNS host is GoDaddy, you will type "Add CNAME to GoDaddy".
  2. Make a note of the new subdomain for the CNAME that you added.
  3. Contact us so that we can register your domain and enable this feature.


Custom booking domains use HTTP only. HTTPS is not supported currently for custom booking domains.

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