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Connect your iCloud Calendar

Read on if you want to learn how to connect your OnceHub Account with your iCloud Calendar.

If you want to configure your iCloud Calendar, learn more here.

Connecting OnceHub to your iCloud Calendar ensures a real-time integration between your iCloud Calendar appointments and your busy time in OnceHub. Any iCloud Calendar User can connect to OnceHub.

How to connect your iCloud calendar

  1. Sign in to your OnceHub Account.
  2. Select your profile picture or initials in the top right-hand corner → User integrations.

    If you're connected to any other calendar, you will need to disconnect first. Existing bookings that have not yet taken place will not be added to your iCloud Calendar after you connect.

  3. Click the Connect button next to iCloud Calendar
    Figure 1: Calendar connection
  4. The Connect to iCloud Calendar pop-up will appear (Figure 2).

    Figure 2: Connect to iCloud Calendar pop-up
  5. Enter your Apple ID and and app-specific password. Then, click Connect.

    Two-factor authentication (or two-step verification on older devices) and an app-specific password are required by Apple to connect your iCloud Calendar. Learn more about iCloud app-specific passwords

  6. If the connection is successful, the pop-up closes and you should see confirmation that you're connected to your iCloud Calendar (Figure 3).

    Figure 3: Connected to iCloud Calendar
    In OnceHub, you can click the Continue setup button in the What's next? section to access more options.

You're all set! Your OnceHub Account and iCloud Calendar are now connected.

Configuring Default iCloud Calendar reminders

You can configure Default iCloud Calendar reminders in the connected iCloud Calendar. To do so, select your profile picture or initials in the top right-hand corner → User integration. Select an option from the Default iCloud Calendar reminders drop-down list (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Default iCloud Calendar reminders

Shared iCloud Calendars

If your OnceHub Account is connected to iCloud Calendar, you can access all of the calendars under your iCloud account by hovering over the lefthand menu and selecting the Booking pages icon → Booking pages → your Booking page → Associated calendars.

If you need to access an additional calendar that is not part of your iCloud account, you can ask the owner of this calendar to share it with you. Learn more about sharing calendars in iCloud Calendar 

Types of shared calendars

Shared calendars in iCloud Calendar can be either public or private. 

Public calendars

Public calendars can be shared with anyone who uses the following:

  • The Calendar app on an iOS device or Mac.
  • Microsoft Outlook on a Windows computer.  
  • Any other app that supports the iCalendar file format. 

Only the owner of a calendar can make changes to a public calendar.

Private calendars

Private calendars can be shared with anyone who uses the following:

  • Calendar on iCloud.com.
  • The Calendar app on an iOS device or Mac.
  • Microsoft Outlook on a Windows computer.

For private calendars, you can assign two types of access privileges to the people you invite:

  • View & Edit: The invitee can create, edit, and delete events, and track invitation responses. Only one person can edit a shared calendar at a time.
  • View Only: The invitee can only change their own view settings.

Required iCloud Calendar permissions

Below are the iCloud Calendar permission levels required for each type of calendar usage scenario in OnceHub.

Main booking calendar

When a booking is made, the event is automatically created in the main booking calendar and the time is automatically marked as Busy. If you want the main booking calendar to be a calendar you don’t own, you will need to ask the calendar owner to share the calendar with you privately with View & Edit access.

Busy time retrieval

Any time marked as "Busy" in the selected calendar will automatically block time slots on the Booking page. You can retrieve busy time from calendars that you have been privately shared with you with View & Edit access or View Only access.

Additional booking calendars

When a booking is made, a separate calendar event is created in any additional booking calendar you selected. The calendar event is identical to the calendar event created in the main booking calendar, but does not include invitees. 

If you want an additional booking calendar to be a calendar you don’t own, you will need to ask the calendar owner to share the calendar with you privately with View & Edit access.

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