User notification scenarios [Legacy]

This table defines the User notification scenarios used in the User notification section of a Booking page. These scenarios are the booking events that can take place during a booking lifecycle. You can choose which scenarios will trigger notifications and if the notifications are sent via email, SMS, or both.  

The User notifications section can be found by going to Booking pages in the bar on the left → Booking page → User notifications.

Notification ScenarioDescription 
Automatic Booking
Booking made by Customer Sent to subscribed Users when the Customer makes a booking.
Booking with approval
Booking request made by Customer Sent to subscribed Users when the Customer submits a booking request.
Booking request approved by User Sent to subscribed Users when a User approves the Customer’s booking request.
Calendar event
Calendar event The calendar event can include any booking details and can be added to the Owner’s and Customer’s calendars.
Reminders and follow-ups
First User reminderSent to subscribed Users at a predefined time prior to the meeting.
Second User reminderSent to subscribed Users at a predefined time prior to the meeting.
Third User reminderSent to subscribed Users at a predefined time prior to the meeting.
Follow-up message Sent to subscribed Users when a follow-up message is sent to the Customer. 
Booking cancellation
Booking canceled by CustomerSent to subscribed Users when the Customer cancels a booking.
Booking canceled by UserSent to subscribed Users when a User cancels a booking.
Booking reschedule
Booking rescheduled by CustomerSent to subscribed Users when the Customer reschedules a booking.
Reschedule requested by User
Sent to subscribed Users when a User sends a reschedule request to the Customer.
Booking reassignment
Booking reassigned (original Owner)Sent to subscribed Users of the previous Booking page when a booking is reassigned from the page.
Booking reassigned (new Owner)
Sent to subscribed Users of the new Booking page when a booking is reassigned to the page.
Booking request cancellation
Booking request canceled by Customer Sent to subscribed Users when the Customer cancels a booking request.
Booking request canceled by User Sent to subscribed Users when a User cancels a booking request.
Booking request resubmission
Booking request resubmitted by Customer Sent to subscribed Users when the Customer resubmits a booking request.
Booking request resubmission requested by User Sent to subscribed Users when a User asks the Customer to resubmit a booking request.
Other notifications  
Manual refund issued by User
Sent to the User when a manual refund is issued via OnceHub.
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