Send a link to a form

Standalone forms are the easiest way to get started with forms. You can build one in a few minutes and then share it using a standalone link. They're great to use as campaign landing pages and there's no need to update your website.

Simply create a new form, add it to a page, and copy the link. 

  1. Go to Forms on the left.
  2. Click on the Create form button.

Create the form as you prefer, either from scratch or using a template.

If an existing standalone form is close to what you're wanting, you can duplicate that one instead by clicking the three-dot menu by that bot and selecting Duplicate.

When you've added the interactions you want and routed them, you can design the form as you like on the Configure tab.

You can define:

  • Header logo
  • Background color
  • Background image

Once you've designed the standalone form to your organization's preferences, add it to a page.

That's it! Send this link to whomever you wish, or use it in an ad or email campaign.

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