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OnceHub fields and triggers available in Zapier

This article lists all fields and triggers for OnceHub that are available via Zapier. Any of these fields can be used to integrate with a third-party app. 

Booking page information and interaction history

This section contains the data fields relevant to the booking page in question, and the history of the interactions with customers and the relevant booking page.  

Booking data

This section includes the data directly related to the booked appointment.

Booking - AttachmentA link to the file attached by your Customer in the Booking form
Booking - Creation dateThe time and date when the booking was created, e.g. Mon, Mar 23, 2015, 11:00 AM
Booking - Duration in minutesThe length of the meeting in minutes
Booking - Duration in secondsThe length of the meeting in seconds
Booking - Invoice line item*Subject, Meeting time in Customer's time zone, Duration, Booking page Owner
Booking - Last updatedThe last time any booking details were changed
Booking - Meeting time in Customer's time zoneThe time the meeting will start in the Customer's time zone, e.g. Mon, Mar 23, 2015, 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Booking - Meeting time in UTCStarting time in UTC time zone. e.g. Mon, Mar 23, 2015, 10:30 AM
Booking - Meeting time in Owner's time zoneThe time the meeting will start in the Owner's time zone, e.g. Mon, Mar 23, 2015, 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Booking - ModeThe booking mode: Automatic booking or Booking with approval
Booking - Number of sessions scheduledThe number of sessions in a session package that were scheduled
Booking - Physical locationThe address where the meeting will take place, as specified in the Conferencing / Location section of the Booking page
Booking - Starting time in Customer's time zoneThe time the meeting will start in the Customer's time zone, e.g. Mon, Mar 23, 2015, 10:30 AM
Booking - Starting time in Owner's time zoneThe time the meeting will start in the Owner's time zone, e.g. Mon, Mar 23, 2015, 10:30 AM
Booking - StatusThe lifecycle phase or activity status of the booking
Booking - SubjectThe subject of the meeting, as provided by Customer or Owner
Booking - Summary (long)*Customer name, Company, Subject, Starting time, Duration, Location, Email, Phone, Mobile phone, Note
Booking - Summary (short)*Customer name, Company, Location, Notes
Booking – Package IDA unique ID automatically assigned to every OnceHub session package
Booking - Virtual locationThe communication details required for connecting to the virtual meeting, as specified in the Conferencing / Location section of the Booking page. This could be a phone number, video conferencing information, a Skype ID, etc.
Booking - Virtual or physical locationThe virtual or physical location of the meeting, as specified in the Conferencing / Location section of the Booking page
UTM source - Found in the Conversation lifecycle triggersThe source defined in the UTM parameter when the customer booked the meeting
UTM medium - Found in the Conversation lifecycle triggersThe medium defined in the UTM parameter when the customer booked the meeting
UTM campaign - Found in the Conversation lifecycle triggersThe campaign defined in the UTM parameter when the customer booked the meeting
UTM term - Found in the Conversation lifecycle triggersThe term defined in the UTM parameter when the customer booked the meeting
UTM content - Found in the Conversation lifecycle triggersThe content defined in the UTM parameter when the customer booked the meeting

* Composite fields: These fields are considered Summary fields and contain a list of values from other fields separated by commas. These are best used for Description fields in 3rd party apps. Learn more about composite fields

Cancel/reschedule data

This section includes the data related to cancellation and rescheduling activities.

Cancel/reschedule - Initiated by customer nameThe name of the Customer who performed the cancellation or reschedule action
Cancel/reschedule - Initiated by user nameThe name of User who performed the cancellation or reschedule action
Cancel/reschedule - ReasonThe reason given for canceling or rescheduling a meeting
Cancel/reschedule - Summary (long)*Reschedule indication, Reschedule reason + long booking summary
Cancel/reschedule - Summary (short)*Reschedule indication, Reschedule reason + short booking summary
Cancel/reschedule – Customer linkThe cancel/reschedule link to be used by the Customer
Cancel/reschedule – Tracking ID (canceled booking)The Tracking ID of the canceled original booking

* Composite fields: These fields are considered Summary fields and contain a list of values from other fields separated by commas. These are best used for Description fields in 3rd party apps. Learn more about composite fields

Booking page data

This section includes the data related to properties of the booking page used to make the booking.

Booking page - CategoryThe category to which the Booking page has been assigned
Booking page - Internal labelThe internal label of the Booking page
Booking page - Public linkThe public link for the Booking page
Booking page - Public nameThe public name of the Booking page
Master page - Internal labelThe internal label for the Master page
Master page - Public linkThe public link for the Master page
Master page - Public nameThe public name of the Master page
Booking page - OwnerThe User whose time is being booked via the Booking page
Booking page - Time zoneThe time zone of the Booking page

Event type data

This section includes the data related to properties of the Event types selected during the booking process.

Event type - CategoryThe Category of the Event type selected by the Customer
Event type - DescriptionThe description of the Event type selected by the Customer
Event type - NameThe name of the Event type selected by the Customer
Event type - PriceThe price of the Event type selected by the Customer
Event type - CurrencyThe currency of the Event type selected by the Customer

Custom fields

OnceHub provides support for custom fields in Zapier. When you add new custom fields, they will appear alongside your system fields when you map trigger fields to action fields.

Below is a description of how each OnceHub custom field is passed through Zapier.

OnceHub custom fieldTarget app field format
Single-line text field{Plain text}This is a single-line example
Multi-line text field{Plain text}This is a multi-line example
Dropdown{Option value}This is a dropdown selection example

{Option value}, {Option value}, …

* Each checked checkbox will be appended at the end separated by a comma ','
This a one checkbox, This is another checkbox, This is the last checkbox

OnceHub composite fields available in Zapier

This section lists OnceHub composite fields created to make Zapier integration easier.

Zapier allows you to map multiple OnceHub fields, along with static text, to one composite field in the integrated app. This ability is useful when adding information taken from multiple fields in OnceHub. For example:

  • Adding information to the Description field in a CRM task
  • Adding information to a note
  • Adding information to a line item in an invoice
  • Creating a text file based on customer data or booking data

To support these cases, we have created composite fields in OnceHub. These fields combine multiple OnceHub fields and their titles.

Booking - Summary (long and short) composite field


This composite field includes the following OnceHub fields:

  • Customer Name
  • Customer Company  
  • Subject/service   
  • Starting time (in Owner's time zone)  
  • Duration  
  • Virtual location or Physical location
  • Customer e-mail  
  • Customer Phone  
  • Customer Mobile Phone   
  • Customer Note

Meeting with: Lisa Brown, Company: Lisa Brown Consulting, Subject: Zapier Integration, Start time: Wednesday, Jul 4, 2015 1:00 PM, Duration: 30 min, Location: … , Customer email: lisa.brown@lbconsulting.com, Customer phone: 524-698-1288, Customer mobile phone: 524-668-8921, Note from customer: Hi, I want to discuss your Zapier integration.


This composite field includes the following OnceHub fields:

  • Customer name
  • Customer company 
  • Virtual location or Physical location
  • Customer note

Meeting with: Lisa Brown, Company: Lisa Brown Consulting, Location: … , Note from customer: Hi, I want to discuss your Zapier integration.

Cancel/Reschedule - Summary (long and short) composite field


This composite field includes the following OnceHub fields:

  • Rescheduling indication
  • Rescheduling reason
  • Description (Long) composite field or Short Description composite field information, as described above.

This meeting has been rescheduled. Rescheduling reason: I have another urgent meeting, Meeting with: Lisa Brown, Company: Lisa Brown Consulting, Subject: Zapier Integration, Start time: Wednesday, Jul 4, 2015 1:00 PM, Duration: 30 min, Location: … , Customer email: lisa.brown@lbconsulting.com, Customer phone: 524-698-1288, Customer mobile phone: 524-668-8921, Note from customer: Hi, I want to discuss your Zapier integration.


This composite field includes the following OnceHub fields:

  • Rescheduling indication
  • Rescheduling reason
  • Description (Short) composite field or Short Description composite field information, as described above.

This meeting has been rescheduled. Rescheduling reason: I have another urgent meeting, Meeting with: Lisa Brown, Company: Lisa Brown Consulting, Location: … , Note from customer: Hi, I want to discuss your Zapier integration.

Booking data and Invoice line item composite field

This composite field includes the following OnceHub fields:

  • Booking subject or service name
  • Meeting time in Customer's time zone
  • Meeting duration
  • Booking page owner  

Tax preparation, Wed, Jul 4, 2020 1:00 PM, 30 min, with Sarah Bloch

This article lists all fields that OnceHub makes available via Zapier. Any of these fields can be used to integrate with a third-party app.

Booking data

This section includes the data directly related to the booked appointment.

Booking - AttachmentA link to the file attached by your Customer in the Booking form
Booking - Creation dateThe time and date when the booking was created, e.g. Mon, Mar 23, 2015, 11:00 AM
Booking - Duration in minutesThe length of the meeting in minutes
Booking - Duration in secondsThe length of the meeting in seconds
Booking - Invoice line item*Subject, Meeting time in Customer's time zone, Duration, Booking page Owner
Booking - Last updatedThe last time any booking details were changed
Booking - Meeting timeThe scheduled date and time of the meeting
Booking - Meeting time in Customer's time zoneThe time the meeting will start in the Customer's time zone, e.g. Mon, Mar 23, 2015, 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Booking - Meeting time in UTCStarting time in UTC time zone. e.g. Mon, Mar 23, 2015, 10:30 AM
Booking - Meeting time in Owner's time zoneThe time the meeting will start in the Owner's time zone, e.g. Mon, Mar 23, 2015, 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Booking - ModeThe booking mode: Automatic booking or Booking with approval
Booking - Number of sessions scheduledThe number of sessions in a session package that were scheduled
Booking - Physical locationThe address where the meeting will take place, as specified in the Conferencing / Location section of the Booking page
Booking - Starting time in Customer's time zoneThe time the meeting will start in the Customer's time zone, e.g. Mon, Mar 23, 2015, 10:30 AM
Booking - Starting time in Owner's time zoneThe time the meeting will start in the Owner's time zone, e.g. Mon, Mar 23, 2015, 10:30 AM
Booking - StatusThe lifecycle phase or activity status of the booking
Booking - SubjectThe subject of the meeting, as provided by Customer or Owner
Booking - Summary (long)*Customer name, Company, Subject, Starting time, Duration, Location, Email, Phone, Mobile phone, Note
Booking - Summary (short)*Customer name, Company, Location, Notes
Booking - Tracking IDA unique ID automatically assigned to every OnceHub booking
Booking – Package IDA unique ID automatically assigned to every OnceHub session package
Booking - Virtual locationThe communication details required for connecting to the virtual meeting, as specified in the Conferencing / Location section of the Booking page. This could be a phone number, video conferencing information, a Skype ID, etc.
Booking - Virtual or physical locationThe virtual or physical location of the meeting, as specified in the Conferencing / Location section of the Booking page
UTM source - Found in the Conversation lifecycle triggersThe source defined in the UTM parameter when the customer booked the meeting
UTM medium - Found in the Conversation lifecycle triggersThe medium defined in the UTM parameter when the customer booked the meeting
UTM campaign - Found in the Conversation lifecycle triggersThe campaign defined in the UTM parameter when the customer booked the meeting
UTM term - Found in the Conversation lifecycle triggersThe term defined in the UTM parameter when the customer booked the meeting
UTM content - Found in the Conversation lifecycle triggersThe content defined in the UTM parameter when the customer booked the meeting

* Composite fields: These fields are considered Summary fields and contain a list of values from other fields separated by commas. These are best used for Description fields in 3rd party apps. Learn more about composite fields

This section details the different triggers available in Zapier for OnceHub activities. 

Mapping of OnceHub fields to Zapier triggers

The following table outlines what OnceHub attributes are available for each Zapier trigger:

Field name in ZapierScheduledRescheduledCanceledCanceled (Rescheduled)CompletedNo-ShowBooking Lifecycle
Booking - AttachmentXXXXXXX
Booking - Creation dateXXXXXXX
Booking - Summary (long)XXXXXXX
Booking - Summary (short)XXXXXXX
Booking- Duration in minutesXXXXXXX
Booking - Duration in secondsXXXXXXX
Booking - Last updatedXXXXXXX
Booking - Meeting time in UTCXXXXXXX
Booking - Meeting time in Customer's time zoneXXXXXXX
Booking - Meeting time in Owner's time zoneXXXXXXX
Booking - ModeXXXXXXX
Booking - Number of sessions scheduledXXXXXXX
Booking - Physical locationXXXXXXX
Booking -Starttime in Customer's time zoneXXXXXXX
Booking -Starttime in Owner's time zoneXXXXXXX
Booking - StatusXXXXXXX
Booking - SubjectXXXXXXX
Booking - Tracking IDXXXXXXX
Booking - Package IDXXXXXXX
Booking - Virtual locationXXXXXXX
Booking - Virtual or physical locationXXXXXXX
Customer - CompanyXXXXXXX
Customer - CountryXXXXXXX
Customer - EmailXXXXXXX
Customer - First nameXXXXXXX
Customer - Last nameXXXXXXX
Customer - LocationXXXXXXX
Customer - Mobile phoneXXXXXXX
Customer - NameXXXXXXX
Customer - NoteXXXXXXX
Customer - PhoneXXXXXXX
Customer - StateXXXXXXX
Customer - Time zoneXXXXXXX
Cancel/reschedule - Initiated by customer name XXX  X
Cancel/reschedule - Initiated by user name XXX  X
Cancel/reschedule - Reason XXX  X
Cancel/reschedule - Summary (long) X X  X
Cancel/reschedule - Summary (short) X X  X
Cancel/reschedule - Customer linkXX    X
Cancel/reschedule - Tracking ID (canceled booking) X    X
Booking page - CategoryXXXXXXX
Booking page - Internal labelXXXXXXX
Booking page - Public linkXXXXXXX
Booking page - Public nameXXXXXXX
Master page - Internal labelXXXXXXX
Master page - Public linkXXXXXXX
Master page - Public nameXXXXXXX
Booking page - OwnerXXXXXXX
Booking page - Time zoneXXXXXXX
Event type - CategoryXXXXXXX
Event type - DescriptionXXXXXXX
Event type - NameXXXXXXX
Event type - PriceXXXXXXX
Event type – CurrencyXXXXXXX

OnceHub triggers on Zapier

Triggers are the means through which you tell Zapier what OnceHub data to send to your third-party app. This article describes the OnceHub Zapier triggers you can use when integrating OnceHub with your application of choice.

OnceHub provide two types of triggers, specific and composite. Specific triggers are based on an individual booking event, e.g. Scheduled Booking. Using these triggers, you can control granular interactions between OnceHub and other apps, e.g. create a new Contact in the target app when a new booking is made. Each specific trigger also has a unique set of attributes that is passed through Zapier. Composite triggers are considered 'dynamic' triggers. These triggers are fired each time a booking changes its status. Each type of trigger is used for different purposes as described below. Please read the Mapping of OnceHub fields to Zapier triggers article above for more information.

The following is a complete list of OnceHub Zapier triggers that are available to you, grouped by the two types:

Specific triggers

  • Booking Scheduled
  • Booking Canceled
  • Booking Completed
  • Booking No-Show 
  • Booking Rescheduled
  • Booking Canceled and Rescheduled
  • Conversation Reached Out
  • Conversation Started
  • Conversation Closed
  • Conversation Abandoned
  • Contact Captured
  • Contact Updated

Composite triggers

  • Contact Lifecycle Event
  • Booking Lifecycle Event
  • Conversation Lifecycle Event

When to use specific and composite triggers?

When including OnceHub in email marketing and marketing automation campaigns, you should use specific triggers. This gives you the power to target specific users based on their level of engagement and interaction with your campaign. For example, you can provide additional resources to users who have made a booking. You can invite users to book a new meeting in case they have canceled the original one. You can also send out a feedback form as soon as the booking had ended, i.e. the booking status changed to "Completed".

When you wish to continuously track your booking activity, you can use the Booking Lifecycle Event composite trigger with productivity apps such as Google Sheet, Evernote, or Slack. Using this trigger allows you to define only one Zap which records all of your booking activity.

Below is a detailed explanation of each OnceHub trigger. 

Booking Scheduled 

This trigger is fired each time a booking is made on your booking page.

The complete list of fields sent with this trigger can be found in the Mapping of OnceHub Fields to Zapier Triggers section above.

Booking Canceled 

This trigger is fired when a booking is canceled. A booking can be canceled using one of the following methods:

The complete list of fields sent with this trigger can be found in the Mapping of OnceHub Fields to Zapier Triggers article.

NoteThis trigger is different than the Canceled Booking (Rescheduled)  trigger. Canceled Booking means that the booking is canceled for good, while Canceled Booking (Rescheduled) only indicates the removal of the original booking when a new booking is created instead.

Completed Booking 

This trigger is fired as soon as the meeting time has passed. For example, if a one hour booking was scheduled for Monday at 10:00 AM, the Completed trigger will fire at 11:00 AM.

One way to effectively use this trigger is to set up an email marketing campaign that will be triggered as soon as a booking is completed. The campaign could send out a survey, a questionnaire or even an invitation to book another meeting. Meeting follow-up functionality is also provided in OnceHub.

No-show Booking 

This trigger is fired when the user changes the bookings status from Completed to No-show. This can be done only once the booking is in the Completed status.

One way to effectively use this trigger is to set up an email marketing campaign that will be triggered as soon as a booking is set to No-show. The campaign could send out an email asking the customer, who did not show up to the meeting, to schedule another meeting.

The complete list of fields sent with this trigger can be found in the Mapping of OnceHub Fields to Zapier Triggers section above.

Booking Canceled and Rescheduled

These two triggers work in tandem and provide the necessary information for each rescheduling scenario. When a booking is rescheduled in OnceHub, the original booking is either updated, or canceled and replaced by a new booking. It's important to distinguish between the different types of reschedule scenarios that fire the Rescheduled Booking and Canceled Booking (Rescheduled) triggers. Each scenario includes a different trigger combination and slightly varying attributes.

The following scenarios are supported:

  1. Customer reschedules with the same Booking page. When the Customer reschedules a booking with the same Booking page, a single Rescheduled Booking trigger is fired containing the same Booking ID as the original booking. This is based on the assumption that if the event was created under the same Booking page, then we only need to update the event and not create a new booking. Below is a table outlining the triggers and attributes used in this scenario.

    Zapier triggerAttributeNotes
    Canceled Booking (Rescheduled)N/AThis trigger is not fired.
    Rescheduled BookingBooking – Booking IDThe existing booking ID
    Booking page – OwnerThe existing User name
  2. Customer reschedules with a different Booking pageWhen the Customer reschedules the booking with a Booking page that is different from the one they originally made the booking with, two triggers are fired, one to cancel the original booking and another to create a new booking instead. Below is a table outlining the triggers and attributes used in this scenario.

    Zapier triggerAttributeNotes
    Canceled Booking (Rescheduled)Booking – Booking IDThe existing booking ID
    Booking page – OwnerThe original User name
    Rescheduled BookingBooking – Booking IDThe new booking ID
    Cancel/reschedule - Booking ID (canceled booking)The original booking ID
    Booking page – OwnerThe new User name
  3. User requests the Customer to rescheduleWhen the User requests the Customer to reschedule the booking, the Canceled Booking (Rescheduled) trigger is fired instantly as the original booking is no longer valid. The Reschedule Booking trigger is fired only after the Customer had rescheduled the booking. Below is a table outlining the triggers and attributes used in this scenario.

    Zapier triggerAttributeNotes
    Canceled Booking (Rescheduled)Booking – Booking IDThe existing booking ID
    Booking page – OwnerThe original User name
    Rescheduled BookingBooking – Booking IDThe new booking ID
    Cancel/reschedule - Booking ID (canceled booking)The original booking ID
    Booking page – OwnerThe new User name
  4. User reschedules from a connected Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar
    When the setting to Changing the time in Google updates the booking in OnceHub is enabled, moving events in your calendar also updates the event in OnceHub. The Rescheduled Booking trigger is fired, when the User changes the calendar event details or moves the calendar event to another slotThis is a common use case whereby the Customer calls the User and asks them to reschedule the booking on their behalf. This event behaves the same as if a Customer initiated reschedule with the same User. 

    Zapier triggerAttributeNotes
    Canceled Booking (Rescheduled)N/AThis trigger is not fired.
    Rescheduled BookingBooking – Booking IDThe existing booking ID
    Booking page – OwnerThe existing User name

The following example describes the reschedule scenario that was initiated by the Customer and resulted in a booking that was made with a different Booking page. First, the Canceled (Rescheduled) trigger is fired including the original booking information. This allows the target application to remove the previously created appointment. In the illustration below, the Canceled (Rescheduled) Zap at the bottom, joins the OnceHub Canceled (Rescheduled) Trigger with your CRM Cancel Appointment Action.

Second, the Rescheduled Booking trigger is fired including the new booking information. This allows the target application to create a new appointment (the rescheduled booking). In the illustration below, the Rescheduled Zap at the top, joins the OnceHub Rescheduled Trigger with your CRM New Appointment Action.

Note: Having a dedicated reschedule cancellation trigger, allows you to handle these events differently than standard cancellation events. This is especially relevant if you have set up a marketing campaign that targets canceled bookings. In this instance, you would not want to trigger the same campaign if a reschedule event occurred.

The complete list of fields sent with this trigger can be found in the Mapping of OnceHub Fields to Zapier Triggers article.

Booking Lifecycle Event 

This trigger is fired each time a booking changes its status, i.e. Scheduled, Rescheduled, Canceled, Completed, or No-show.

Different from the specific triggers mentioned above, this trigger is best used to log all booking activities. As an example, you can use a Google Sheets Zapier integration to record all booking activities for monitoring or reporting purposes.

For more details on how to use this trigger in addition to some powerful filtering tips, see Tips for integrating OnceHub with productivity apps.

Conversation Reached Out

Whenever your chatbot reaches out to a visitor, this trigger is fired. Note that reaching out happens without visitor interaction required, whenever the reaching out message displays for a visitor. This is right before they opt whether to engage with the bot by clicking on an answer, opening the widget fully so your chatbot can engage in a conversation with them.

Conversation Started

Once the visitor clicks on an answer, this trigger is fired. They've taken action to engage with the bot, indicating a higher level of interest than other visitors to your website. 

Conversation Completed

When your visitor reaches either the last interaction or the End chat action in your chatbot, the conversation is completed and this trigger will fire. 

Conversation Abandoned

This trigger is fired when a visitor doesn't interact with the chatbot for over ten minutes.

Contact Captured

If you've captured a new contact through any OnceHub app, this trigger is fired. 

Contact Updated

If your contact was updated in OnceHub—for instance, a status update from Qualified to Sales Qualified—this trigger is fired. This could happen either through an automated flow or if one of your Users updates the status manually.

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