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Testing Exchange connectivity

The Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer is a useful tool for several purposes:

  • Determining your EWS URL (if EWS is enabled).
  • Verifying that your work email is managed on an Exchange server.
  • Verifying Exchange connectivity.


To use this tool, you'll need:

  1. Your Outlook email address and password.
  2. Your Domain\UserName - Enter your email in this field if Domain\UserName are not used in your organization.
    • The domain: This can usually be found in the documentation explaining how to connect a mobile phone or email client to your work mail account.
    • Your user name: This is usually the internal ID with which you log into internal systems.

Testing connectivity

Open Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer and follow these steps:

  1. Select the Synchronization, Notification, Availability, and Automatic Replies option (Figure 1).
    Figure 1: Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer
  2. Fill out (all fields are required): Email, Password and Domain\UserName (with a backslash). Try your email address if you don't know your Domain\UserName (Figure 2).
  3. Check the "I understand..." checkbox (Figure 2).
    Figure 2: Enter credentials and click 'I understand...' 
  4. Complete the verification test and click Verify (Figure 3).
    Figure 3: Verify
  5. Click the Perform Test button (Figure 3).
    Figure 3: Perform test
  6. Wait for the results and verify that the connectivity icon is green.
  7. Click Expand All.
    Figure 4: Connectivity Test results
  8. Press Ctrl + F keys on your keyboard to open the browser's search box.
  9. Type ewsurl (one word, no spaces).
  10. Copy the EWS URL, located between the <EwsUrl> tags, without the tags (Figure 5). 
    Figure 5: Copy your EWS URL
  11. Go back to your OnceHub Account and paste the EWS URL in the appropriate field in the connection box.
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