Joining your organization's OnceHub account

In this article, you will learn about joining your organizations OnceHub account after the Administrator within the organization has assigned you a User profile.

  1. First, your OnceHub Administrator will add you as a User to your organization's OnceHub account.
  2. You will then receive an email invitation.
  3. To log in to your account, simply click the Sign in to your account button in the invitation.
  4. Create your personal OnceHub password and then click Sign in to get started.

Note Invitation sign-in links are valid for 24 hours. You should access your account within the timeframe to prevent the link expiration.

Below are some FAQs regarding joining your organization's OnceHub account:

I have not received an email invitation

If you have not yet received an invitation, you should ask the OnceHub Administrator to add you as a User. You will then receive an invitation with a sign-in link. 

If your Administrator sent you an invite and you still can't see the email invitation, check your spam folder. You can also ask the OnceHub Administrator to resend it to you. Be sure to confirm they sent the invitation to the correct email address.

My sign-in link has expired, what should I do?

For security reasons, invitation sign-in links are valid for 24 hours. You should contact your Administrator and ask them to resend the invitation. This will reset the 24-hour time frame and allow you to sign-in to the account. 

Can I change my sign-in ID after I sign up?

Unless you're using a G Suite ID to sign into your account, you can change your sign-in email. Learn how to change your sign-in ID

My account type is Member or Administrator - What does this mean?

Please see the Member vs. Administrator article to learn about your account type.

Can I delete my profile?

Only an Administrator can delete your profile. Even if you are an Administrator, you cannot delete your own profile. Only another Administrator can delete it.

What happens to my Booking pages if my User profile is deleted from the account?

If you are the Owner of at least one Booking page, all Booking pages will be automatically reassigned to an Administrator with an assigned scheduled meetings license when your User profile is deleted.

What happens to my Booking pages if the scheduled meetings license is unassigned?

If you are the Owner of at least one Booking page, all Booking pages will be disabled automatically when the scheduled meetings license is unassigned.

I am trying to sign up but see an alert message that there is already an account with my ID

If you want to use this ID, you will need to delete your other OnceHub account first. Follow these steps to delete the account.

  1. Sign in to OnceHub with that ID. 
  2. In the top navigation menu, click on the gear icon.
  3. Click on Settings and select Delete account. This will free up the ID. 
  4. You can then return to the invitation email, click the sign-up link, and sign up with that ID.
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