
Setting up notifications is a vital part of scheduling, because they ensure that your customers are kept informed of the status of your meeting, and reminded of upcoming meetings. You can customize when they are sent out and how they are delivered to your customers in the Customer notifications section. 

Customer notifications

You can access settings for customer notifications in the booking calendars lobby, on the left-hand sidebar, under the heading Scheduling. (Figure 1) 

Figure 1: The customer notifications menu

Here, you can customize customer notification workflows, or use the default: system template workflow. The default customer notification workflow will apply to all new booking calendars. The format of this workflow is displayed below the options for which workflow you'd like to use. 

Here's a detailed breakdown of how to create and apply customer notification workflows.

You can customize when and why customers receive notifications on this page. There are three main meeting points:

  • Meeting is booked
  • Meeting rescheduled
  • Meeting canceled

You can select whether you'd like your customers to be reminded via their provided email address, or - if they have provided their cellphone number - by SMS.

User notifications

OnceHub users can receive notifications when meetings are scheduled, updated, or canceled by customers. They help you keep track of the status of your meetings and ensure you're reminded of upcoming meetings. 

The user notifications menu is found in your profile settings. 

Here you can select which notifications you would like to receive, and whether you'd like to receive them over email or via SMS. You can choose to receive notifications when a customer confirms, reschedules, or cancels a meeting.  

To access this menu, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the profile picture or initials at the top right of the OnceHub dashboard.
  2. Select Profile settings
  3. On the left-hand menu on the account settings Overview page, you will find User notifications. (Figure 2)

Figure 2: User notificationsWhen you are finished configuring your notifications, remember to click the Save button to confirm the new settings.

The Alert center

Note Only administrators are able to create alerts, but a member user can be added as a recipient of any global alert.

Learn more about the differences between administrators and member users.

Alerts are a feature which enable the administrator, and any users they add, to be CC'ed into notification emails about bookings made, canceled, or rescheduled with any users and/or scheduling tools in the account. The email will contain all the relevant information about the meeting.

The alerts builder can be found under account settings (the gear icon in the top right-hand corner).

The Alerts center

To create a new global alert:

  1.  Click the Create new alert button.
  2. Select an Event which triggers the alert. These can be:
    • Booking received
    • Booking canceled
    • Booking rescheduled
  3. Select a Scope. This is the user, booking page, or booking calendar which will be the subject of the alert.
  4. Depending on your choice above, click on the drop-down menu and select either a user, booking calendar, or booking page. 
    • Whenever a booking is received, canceled, or rescheduled with that user, booking page or booking calendar, a notification will be triggered.
  5. In the Notify section, select a Recipient from the drop-down menu. Alerts can be sent to any user in the account.

To edit, delete, or duplicate an existing global alert, click on the three-dot menu, and select the appropriate option.

NoteIf the user who has been scheduled with has turned off their email notifications for bookings received, canceled, or rescheduled, then users on the global alert will not receive any notifications either. 

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