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Resource pool statistics: Bookings removed [Legacy]

Resource pools allow you to dynamically distribute bookings among a group of Team members in the same department, location, or with any other shared characteristic.

Bookings removed is a metric provided for each Booking page you've included in a Resource pool. Bookings removed is the number of bookings that were taken away from a specific Booking page to date, within the existing Reporting cycle

In this article, you'll learn about viewing and understanding the Bookings removed metric.


To view the Bookings removed metric, you must be a OnceHub Administrator.

Viewing the Bookings removed metric

  1. Go to Booking pages in the bar on the left.
  2. Select Resource pools on the left (Figure 1).
    Figure 1: Resource pools
  3. Select the specific Resource pool you would like to view Bookings removed for. 
  4. Go to the Resources section of the Resource pool (Figure 2).Figure 2:  Bookings removed in the Resource pool's Resources section

Understanding the Bookings removed metric

If the specific Resource pool is included in multiple Master pages, the Bookings removed metric shown for each Booking page is the total number of bookings taken away from that Booking page across all Master pages. 

Bookings can be removed from a Booking page due to cancellations, rescheduling, reassignments, or no-shows. 

  • Bookings removed due to cancellations: This happens when a Customer cancels a booking that was originally scheduled on the Master page that included the specific Resource pool, or when a User cancels a booking or requests the booking to be rescheduled. 
  • Bookings removed due to rescheduling: This happens when a Customer reschedules a booking and the booking is assigned to a different Booking page from the original Booking page that was assigned. In this case, the Bookings removed counter will go up by one for the original Booking page that the Customer scheduled with. The Bookings received counter will go up by one for the new Booking page that the Customer rescheduled with.
  • Bookings removed due to reassignment: This happens when a User reassigns a booking from one Booking page to another. In this case, the Bookings removed counter will go up by one for the original Booking page that the booking was reassigned from. The Bookings received counter will go up by one for the new Booking page that the User reassigned the booking to. 
  • Bookings removed due to no-shows: This happens when a User marks a booking as a no-show. The booking marked as no-show needs to have been originally scheduled on the Master page that included the specific Resource pool.
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