The Customer notifications tab

The customer notifications tab allows you to apply custom notification workflows to your booking calendar. You can either use a basic default (pre-set) workflow, or customize your own workflow. Read on to learn how to apply an existing workflow, and how to create custom workflows from scratch.

Applying workflows to a booking calendar

You need to apply a workflow to a booking calendar in order for it to come into effect.

  1. To begin, open the booking calendar you want to apply a notification workflow to.
  2. At the top of the booking calendar builder, click on the Customer notifications tab.
  3. From the drop down menu, you can select the customer notification workflow that you want to apply this booking calendar.
  4. You will be able to see the settings of the selected workflow displayed below.
  5. When you've selected the workflow you want, click Save at the bottom.

That's it! Now any customer that has scheduled a meeting with you through that booking calendar will receive a series of notifications according to the workflow that you have set. 

Creating a custom workflow

You can configure notifications for the entire booking cycle: You can choose to trigger email and SMS notifications and reminders to be sent as these points:

  • Meeting confirmation
  • Meeting reminder
  • Meeting rescheduled
  • Meeting reassigned 
  • Meeting cancelation

To create a custom workflow, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the booking calendar builder
  2. Click the Customer notification workflows button (Figure 1)
  3. Click New custom workflow (Figure 2)
  4. Name your workflow in the pop up and click Create
  5. In each row, select whether you would like to send an email, an SMS, or both at each meeting point.
    • You can customize the "Meeting confirmation" email. Read how to in the section below.
    • When you select SMS notification, the Mobile phone interaction will be added to the booking calendar's booking form.
  6.  In the second row, Meeting reminder, you can choose how long before a meeting the reminder is sent. You can also add up to two additional reminders.
  7. Once you're happy with you workflow, click Save at the bottom of the screen. 

This new notification workflow can be applied to any of your booking calendars.

Figure 1: the Customer notification workflows button
Figure 2: Choosing between a default or custom workflow

Customizing the "Meeting confirmation" email

When a customer books a meeting with you through a booking calendar, with a notification workflow applied, you can personalize the email that is sent out to them when the meeting is confirmed. 

Figure 1: Customizing the Meeting confirmation email

  1. In a notification workflow, click Customize email (Figure 1) in the Meeting confirmation column. 
  2. Here, you can customize any of the text in the subject line and body of the email.
    Figure 2: The text tool bar
    • Using the tool bar (Figure 2), you can use bold, italics, add a hyperlink, and more.
    • You can add variables, which are dynamic fields, by beginning a word or phrase with the @ symbol. These fields are supplied by the details of the scheduled booking. To see the full list of variables, click +Variables and scroll through the list. 
    • At any time, you can restore the original email by clicking Restore default in the tool bar.
  3. To save your changes, click Save at the bottom of the screen.
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