OnceHub for lead generation [Legacy]

Online scheduling helps you minimize lead spillage and maximize engagement with serious leads and prospects. With OnceHub, you can offer online scheduling directly on your website. This gives your website visitors a quicker, easier way to interact with your organization. Prospects who are ready to engage can schedule a guaranteed time with you then and there. 

In this article, you'll learn about using OnceHub for lead generation.

Offering online scheduling to selected prospects who fill out your web form

You can use web form integration to offer scheduling only to selected prospects who fill out your web form. Not all prospects who fill out your web form are alike. Handling each prospect segment in an optimal manner can save you time and resources, increase conversion rates, and result in more deals. You can integrate calls to action for scheduling with your web form using either our Website embed or Website buttons.

You might decide that top leads, who represent the highest perceived value to your organization, will be given the opportunity to book an appointment with your organization after they submit the web form, whereas other less promising leads will not.

To identify the different lead segments, you could ask differentiating questions in your web form (for example, how many people are in your business?). You could then display different Thank you pages accordingly, some with a Booking page link and some without. Leads who are offered the opportunity to book an appointment with your organization can select a time without needing to fill out any information they have already provided. 

Offering scheduling to selected prospects will both further qualify them as top leads who have shown interest, and save time for your Sales team who will not have to chase down leads for follow-up. Booking form data will be passed from your web form to OnceHub via the URL, either using URL parameters or using a CRM contact ID when integrating with Salesforce or Infusionsoft

Learn more about using the web form as a filter

Offering online scheduling to all prospects who fill out your web form 

You can use web forms on their own to capture Customer data. However, web forms do not actively assist in establishing contact with your prospects. So, you can offer scheduling to all prospects once they submit your web form. This call to action for scheduling can be integrated with your web form using either our Website embed or Website buttons.

Since prospects have already filled out their personal details, they won't have to provide them again when they make a booking. The Booking form page can be either prepopulated or skipped altogether. The Booking form information can be passed to OnceHub either using URL parameters or a CRM contact ID when integrating with Salesforce or Infusionsoft.

Offer online scheduling to any website visitor 

When you offer online scheduling to anyone who visits your website, scheduling is not integrated into the web form submission process. Instead, scheduling is made readily available on your website to any website visitor. Scheduling can be integrated into any page on your website using either our Website embed, or Website buttons

For example, presenting visitors with a button which says "Free 1-on-1 consultation" may attract more passive visitors and offer them a quick and easy way to interact with you without having to fill out your web form. This scenario can be used to implement a BOLD lead generation strategy or sell more of your time if you are a service business. 

Implement a BOLD lead generation strategy

Online scheduling can help you deliver on an open door policy for website visitors who want to engage and interact with your organization.

Offering any website visitor the opportunity to schedule a meeting with your organization can be used as a BOLD marketing strategy. It's the ideal solution for small businesses who want to create and reinforce a caring image with a message that they're willing to engage unconditionally with anyone who is interested. This strong statement can be used to increase your volume of interactions with Customers and improve your chances of converting them.

Sell more of your time if you're a service business

Allowing any website visitor to book an appointment with your organization is likely to increase your future sales. If the majority of your revenue is coming from paid sessions, you want to ensure that you are reaching out to as wide an audience as possible. 

With OnceHub payment integration, you can schedule and collect payments in one flow. We also take care of rescheduling and cancellations for you, including collecting additional rescheduling fees and crediting refunds for cancellations. 

Learn more about Payment integration

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