Using the web form as a filter [Legacy]

In some cases, you may want to allow Customers to schedule only if certain conditions that you specify are met. For example, you might want to stop a returning Customer from making more than one booking, or ensure that they provide data in a certain format before they're allowed to make a booking.

By placing a web form at the beginning of the scheduling process, you can use the form as a gatekeeper. The form can provide an additional layer of logic to filter out Customers.

Customer data is passed from your web form directly to OnceHub. Prospects provide their details in your web form and OnceHub will use this data to prepopulate the Booking form.

Here are some examples of business cases using the web form as a filter. 

Allowing a single booking per Customer

You can prevent your Customers from scheduling with the same email or IP address more than once. This ensures that each Customer can only schedule a single booking. Learn more about using web forms to only allow one booking per Customer

Password-protected Booking page

You can keep your Booking page private by requiring a password to make a booking. Learn more about creating a password-protected Booking page

Validate data received from your Customers

You can make sure your Customers provide their information in the appropriate format. For example, you may want to ensure their phone number includes only digits. Learn more about validating data received from your Customers

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