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Sending one-time links using OnceHub for Gmail

The OnceHub for Gmail extension enables you to schedule meetings directly from your Gmail account. OnceHub for Gmail gives you instant access to all of your Booking page links without the need to change apps.

In this article, you'll learn about sending one-time links using OnceHub for Gmail.

Understanding one-time links

One-time links are good for one booking only, eliminating any chance of unwanted repeat bookings. A Customer who receives the link will only be able to use it for the intended booking and will not have access to your underlying Booking page. One-time links can be personalized, allowing the Customer to pick a time and schedule without having to fill out the Booking form.

When you create a one-time link using OnceHub for Gmail, the Customer's name and email address is automatically taken from the email. When the Customer uses the Personalized link to schedule a meeting, they only need to choose a date and time, then confirm the meeting. The Booking form is skipped and they will not have to provide their name and email address.

One-time links are only available for Master pages using Rule-based assignment with Dynamic rules.


To send one-time links using OnceHub for Gmail, you must: 

Sending one-time links using OnceHub for Gmail

When replying to an email

  1. Sign in to your Gmail account. 
  2. Open the email that would like to reply to.
  3. Click Reply.
  4. Click the OnceHub for Gmail icon (Figure 1).
    Figure 1: OnceHub for Gmail icon
  5. The OnceHub for Gmail extension window will open (Figure 2).
    Figure 2: OnceHub for Gmail extension window
  6. Click One-time next to the Master page you want to share (Figure 3).
    Figure 3: Generating a one-time link
  7. You will see the Copied confirmation when the link has been generated and copied to your clipboard (Figure 4).
  8. Paste the one-time link into your email (Figure 5).
    Figure 5: Pasting the one-time link into your email
  9.   To turn your booking link into a customized html link, click the Insert Link button on the bottom email menu. (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Insert Link button in Gmail.

    10.  A window will appear (Figure 7). Insert your booking link and the text you would like to display. Click OK. 

Figure 7: Insert Link window

   11.  Your booking link now will now appear as an html link. (Figure 8).

Figure 8: Html link in your email.

When composing a new email

  1. Sign in to your Gmail account.
  2. Click Compose to create a new email.
  3. In the To field, enter the email address of the person you want to share your Booking page link with.

    Note If you do not enter an email address, you will need to enter the Customer name and Customer email in the OnceHub for Gmail extension window when you generate a Personalized link. 

  4. Click the OnceHub for Gmail icon (Figure 9).
    Figure 9: OnceHub for Gmail icon
  5. The OnceHub for Gmail extension window will open (Figure 10).
    Figure 10: OnceHub for Gmail extension window
  6. Click Personalized next to the Booking page you want to share (Figure 11).
    Figure 11: Generating a one-time link
  7. You will see the Copied confirmation when the link has been generated and copied to your clipboard (Figure 12).
  8. Paste the one-time link into your email (Figure 13).
    Figure 13: Pasting the one-time link into your email

 9. To turn your booking link into a customized html link, click the Insert Link button on the bottom email menu. (Figure 14.)

Figure 14: Insert Link button in Gmail.

   10.  A window will appear (Figure 15). Insert your booking link and the text you would like to display. Click OK. 

Figure 15: Insert Link window

   11.  Your booking link now will now appear as an html link. (Figure 16).

Figure 16: Html link in your email.
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