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Connecting to Infusionsoft [Legacy]

In this article, you will learn how to connect to your Infusionsoft account. Each OnceHub User should connect to his/her own Infusionsoft account. 

You do not need an assigned product license to install and update Infusionsoft account settings, though you do need to be an Administrator. Learn more

Connect to Infusionsoft

  1. Open OnceHub.
  2. Select your profile picture or initials in the top right-hand corner → Profile settingsCRM.
  3. From the Infusionsoft box, click the Connect button.
  4. You will be redirected to the Infusionsoft login page and will be asked to enter your username and password. Once you enter your Infusionsoft credentials, OnceHub will establish the connection to Infusionsoft and you will be returned to the CRM integration page.
  5. On the CRM page, you will see the Infusionsoft application name, your connected username, and the Infusionsoft connector status. 
  6. If you are a OnceHub administrator, you will also have the option to configure your Infusionsoft connector by clicking the Setup button (Figure 1).
    Figure 1: Connected to Infusionsoft

NoteOnceHub Members will not be able to connect to Infusionsoft until the Setup has been completed. In addition, there must always be at least one OnceHub Administrator connected to Infusionsoft. 

The Administrator connected to Infusionsoft does not need to have a scheduled meetings User license. Learn more

Once these conditions are met, you can enjoy the full benefits of Infusionsoft integration.

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