Understanding SMS delivery statuses [Legacy]

OnceHub uses a reliable network that will always confirm the delivery of your messages. All SMS messages are sent through our private short code, 75732. The short code provides us with a delivery receipt that confirms the status of your SMS message directly from the receiver’s carrier. Learn more about our SMS service

All SMS notifications sent through your account are recorded in the SMS log data. The possible statuses include Delivered, Sent, Rejected and Failed. 

  • Delivered: The SMS was sent and arrival was confirmed via delivery receipt. 
  • Sent: SMS was sent but a delivery receipt has not been received yet.
  • Rejected: The phone number was found to be invalid prior to sending. 
  • Failed: The SMS failed to be delivered.

Note about the "Sent" statusIt is common for an SMS to show as “Sent” when it is in the process of being delivered. Once the SMS is delivered and a delivery receipt is received, the status will change to “Delivered."

When an SMS has a "failed" status, a reason will be given whenever possible. Below are the most common reasons for SMS delivery failures and steps that can be taken to resolve the issue.

Error MessageMeaningResolution
Illegal Number Invalid numberConfirm the receiver’s number
Absent Subscriber Number has been disconnected / number not in useContact the receiver’s carrier / confirm receiver’s number
Call barred by userSubscriber requested not to receive SMSThe receiver should contact their carrier and ask for SMS to be enabled
Portability ErrorThe number was recently ported from one carrier to another and the database has not been updated yetContact us for more information
Anti-Spam RejectionCarrier rejected the message because of the message content / sender IDContact us for more information
Handset BusyHandset is busy and not able to receive SMSTry again later
Network ErrorNetwork is busy or there are Network problemsTry again later
Invalid MessageMessage not supported / rejected by the carrierContact us for more information
UnroutableThe carrier is not able to route the SMS to the numberContact us for more information
Destination UnreachableN/AConfirm receiver’s number / Try again later
Subscriber Age RestrictionN/AN/A
Number Blocked by CarrierN/AThe receiver should contact their carrier and ask for SMS to be enabled
Prepaid - Insufficient fundsReceiver does not have sufficient funds / cannot receive SMS notifications on their planTry again later
General ErrorN/AContact us for more information
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