Scheduling options are located on the Booking page by default. If you associate Event types with your Booking page, the Scheduling options section is located on the Event type. This allows you to standardize the settings for your scheduling scenarios. Learn more about associating Event types with Booking pages
Booking pages associated with Event types
For Booking pages associated with Event types (recommended), go to Booking pages in the bar on the left, select the relevant Event type, and go to the Scheduling options section (Figure 1).
Figure 2: Scheduling options section when your Booking page is not associated with Event types
Booking pages not associated with Event types
For Booking pages not associated with Event types, go to Booking pages in the bar on the left, select the relevant Booking page, and go to the Scheduling options section (Figure 2).
Figure 1: Scheduling options section when your Booking page has associated Event types