ScheduleOnce 7.3 adds important features that enhance Customer experience and improve conversion rates in your lead generation and lead qualification campaigns.
Personalized links
With personalized links, prospects and customers click on your booking page link and pick a time, without having to provide any information that is already known to you. The booking form can either be pre-populated with their details or skipped altogether. By shortening the time required to complete the booking, you are improving the scheduling experience for your customers, and are ultimately maximizing your booking rates. This is especially valuable when you’re looking to secure meetings with prospects in your outbound email campaigns. Learn more about personalized links
Watch our Personalized links video
Web form integration
With the ScheduleOnce web form integration, prospects submit your form as they have always done, and can then be given the opportunity to book an appointment at their preferred time. This is the ideal contact method for your serious leads who are ready to engage. Since prospects have already provided their details in your web form, they will not have to do so again in the booking form. Customer data is passed from your web form directly to ScheduleOnce, allowing you to offer customers a quick and seamless scheduling experience. Learn more about web form integration
Watch our Web form integration video
Support for Salesforce sandbox environments
It is now possible to connect ScheduleOnce to your Salesforce sandbox environment and fully test out the integration before you deploy to your production environment. The connector's settings are always saved so if you are happy with the test environment, you can connect to your production environment without having to set up from scratch.
Default calendar reminders
It is now possible to set the timing of your connected calendar pop-up reminders for bookings created via ScheduleOnce. This is available for Office 365 Calendar, Outlook Calendar and iCloud Calendar integrations. If you are already connected to one of these calendars, you can adjust this setting from the Integration page -> Calendar integration in your ScheduleOnce account.
As always, if you have any questions or feedback, we would love to hear it. You can use our Contact page.