Release 4.2 is mostly about making ScheduleOnce an integral part of your brand. A number of additional improvements are included.
Brandless embed
Embed the core interaction component of a MeetMe or BookNow page without the profile information frame, the header, and any mentioning of ScheduleOnce.
Custom website buttons
Create professional call to action buttons that can be added to any web page or used as a floating button at the bottom right corner of your website. You can change the text on the button as well as the color of the button as you wish.
Automatic redirect upon booking submission
Automatically redirect your customer to a web page of your choice when the booking is submitted. This can be used to redirect to a thank you/landing page and also as a means to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by adding tracking code such as Adwords or Google Analytics code to the target page.
Smarter reminders
What happens when you change the time of an already scheduled appointment by moving it in your Calendar? ScheduleOnce will now be aware of this time change and will adjust the reminders accordingly. In addition, we are using the reminder as a syncing event to update the time on the activity and if an appointment is completely deleted in your calendar it will be automatically moved to the ScheduleOnce trash.
Help link on Edit pages
We have added a help link to all Edit pages in inbound settings to make it easier to find context sensitive help when you need it.
Extend maximum booking duration to 16 hours
Until this release the maximum booking duration was 10 hours. We have extended this duration to 16 hours to allow for booking of full day events.
Booking duration in minutes or hours?
Following customer feedback we have changed the display of the booking duration so that it is displayed in minutes when duration is less than 3 hours and displayed in hours when duration is 3 hours or more.
If you have any questions about the new release feel free to contact us.