Setting up Booking Calendar team scheduling scenarios [New]

Host and Co-Host(s) (Panel Meeting)

In a panel meeting setup, guests book a session where the host and co-hosts participate together in the same meeting. 

Availability is determined by the time slots where all assigned users are available simultaneously.

How to set up a panel meeting

  1. Open the Booking Calendars lobby by clicking on Booking Calendars in the lefthand side menu.
  2. Click on the Booking Calendar you want to edit.
  3. Use the Add host and co-hosts dropdown to select all users or Teams that should attend the booking, then click on Add.
    • If the Booking Calendar did not have a host before, a pop-up will appear to confirm who the host should be.
    • The email settings and Meeting locations that will be available for your guests to choose from is determined by the host you select.
    • You can change the host at any time in the Host and co-hosts section by clicking on the three dots to the right of the users added to the Booking Calendar and clicking Set as host.

After assigning your hosts, review the Availability and Location settings to ensure they align with your scheduling needs.

Distributed Meeting (Dynamic Host Selection)

Dynamic host selection uses a pre-created Team to distribute meetings among available members based on a chosen distribution method:

How to set up dynamic host meeting types

  1. Open the Booking Calendars lobby by clicking on Booking Calendars in the lefthand side menu.
  2. Click on the Booking Calendar you want to edit.
  3. Use the Add host and co-hosts dropdown to the Team that should be used for bookings, then click on Add.
    • The email settings and Meeting locations that will be available for your guests to choose from is determined by the member of the Team that is being booked with.
  4. Next you can choose the distribution method of the bookings for the Team right beneath the Add host and co-hosts dropdown.
    • Any Available Team Member: Ideal for offering guests the widest range of available time slots to choose from.
    • Round Robin (Equal Distribution): Perfect for ensuring an even distribution of meetings across your team.
  5. Next you can click on Manage next to Workload to define a maximum number of bookings that a team member can accept

These scenarios offer flexibility to match a variety of team structures and scheduling needs. Whether you’re managing a collaborative meeting, balancing team workloads, or providing centralized scheduling options, multi-host setups ensure a seamless experience for both guests and hosts.

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