Booking Forms Editor [Legacy]


 Introduction to the Booking forms editor [Legacy]
Booking forms allow you to collect information from your Customers when they make a booking. You can use the Booking forms editor to customize the information that you want to collect from your Customers during the booking process.  The Booking...
Creating and editing a Booking form [Legacy]
You can use the Booking forms editor to customize the information that you want to collect from your Customers during the booking process. You can choose the questions on the Booking form and the order that they're presented in. If you are work...
Editing System fields [Legacy]
System fields are seven standardized fields. Four are included in every new Booking form by default. In this article, you'll learn about editing System fields.  System fields Your name Your email Your company (not included in the default...
Creating and editing Custom fields [Legacy]
Booking forms allow you to collect information from your Customers when they make a booking. If you want to ask for information in your Booking form that you don’t see represented in the System fields , you can create your own Custom field.  I...
Conditional fields [Legacy]
Conditional fields are fields that can be included in your Booking form which are only visible if the Customer is requested to provide this information. Whether a Customer is requested to provide this information is based on settings on your Book...
Hiding fields on the Booking form [Legacy]
When you add a Custom field to your Booking form , the field is visible by default. You can choose to hide the field, so that it will not be displayed on the Booking form. In this article, you'll learn about hiding fields on the Booking form. ...
Secure attachments [Legacy]
You can add an Attachment field to your Booking form . This allows you to request one attachment from your Customers. The file size limit is 5 MB and executable files are not allowed. Attachments are secured with permission-based access.  In t...
The Fields library [Legacy]
The Fields library contains all of the fields that are available for you to use in the Booking form . This is where you add fields to your Booking form and create your own Custom fields . In this article, you'll learn about the different type...
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