Introduction to the Booking form and redirect [Legacy]
In the Booking form and redirect section, you can define the meeting subject, the Booking form you wish to use, and the redirect options when your Customer makes a booking. You can also decide to skip or prepopulate the Booking form when a Cu...
Collecting Customer data with Booking forms [Legacy]
Booking forms allow you to collect information from your Customers when they make a booking. After selecting a date and time, Customers reach the Booking form step and provide the information required to complete the booking. Figure 1: Sample...
Prepopulated Booking forms [Legacy]
It's not always necessary to collect Customer information as part of the scheduling process. For example, you may already have the data in your CRM. In these cases, the Booking form is typically skipped completely (if you have all the data you n...
Automatic redirect [Legacy]
You can automatically redirect your customers to different web pages after they schedule, reschedule or cancel a booking. In this article, you'll learn about the automatic redirect settings. Configuring the automatic redirect You can con...