Booking Calendar availability and location options [New]

With Booking Calendars, you have the flexibility to define when and where you’re available to meet. This configuration can be tailored to suit different scenarios, ranging from simple weekly schedules to complex, multi-location setups. This guide will walk you through how availability and locations are managed in OnceHub.

Where Availability is Pulled From

Availability settings can be managed at two levels:

  1. Profile-Level Availability:
    • By default, Booking Calendars use the availability set at the user profile level. This reflects your regular working hours and standard meeting locations.
    • To adjust profile availability, click your profile picture in the top-right corner and select Scheduled meeting availability.
  2. Booking Calendar-Level Availability:
    • Each Booking Calendar can either inherit profile availability or be customized for specific needs.
    • This is useful for unique scenarios, such as accommodating different time zones, VIP clients, or team events.

Configuring Locations

OnceHub allows you to define meeting locations as:

  1. Virtual: Video conferencing through connected tools like Zoom or Google Meet.

  2. Physical: Specific addresses, office spaces, or meeting rooms.

  3. By Phone: Where you initiate a phone call with the number they provided.

Combining Location Options

OnceHub lets you tailor meeting locations to suit different scheduling needs. 

You can set up a hybrid approach with specific locations assigned to different days of the week or give your guests the flexibility to choose their preferred meeting type.

Hybrid Setup

Assign different location types to specific days of the week to accommodate a flexible work schedule.

  • Example: A financial advisor could schedule in-office consultations from Monday to Wednesday, and then host virtual meetings via Zoom on Thursday and Friday.

Guest Choice

Allow your guests to select their preferred meeting location for the same time slot.

  • Example: A consultant could offer the option of a virtual meeting on Google Meet or an in-person session at their office.

  • Example: A therapist might let clients choose between a phone call or an in-person appointment at the clinic.

These approaches help you align your availability with your guests' preferences while accommodating a flexible work schedule.

Physical Locations and Resource Scheduling

Physical locations provide flexibility to accommodate simple setups, such as a single address, or more complex configurations with multiple rooms or resources. 

Here are examples of how to use physical locations effectively:

Single Location

Set a single physical address as the meeting location. This option is ideal for businesses operating from one office or storefront.

  • Example: A therapist schedules all in-person sessions at their main clinic address.

Dedicated Meeting Rooms

Assign multiple rooms within a physical location to efficiently manage your resources. Appointments are automatically booked in the next available room using pooled availability.

  • Example: A co-working space allows clients to book private offices, shared desks, or conference rooms based on availability.

You can also include additional information such as parking instructions, building access codes, or directions, which will be shared with guests in their booking confirmation.

To learn more about using resource scheduling, please see Booking Calendar room and resource scheduling.

Date-Specific Overrides

Once you’ve established recurring availability and meeting locations, you can use date-specific overrides to manage unique scenarios. These overrides allow you to customize availability or locations for specific dates.

Examples of when to use Date-Specific Overrides:

  1. Time Off: Remove availability for a week while you’re on vacation.

  2. Temporary Location Changes: Exclude a physical location if you’re working remotely or traveling.

  3. Special Events: Add a new physical location for meetings at a business convention.

You set this by clicking your profile picture in the top-right corner and then Scheduled meeting availability.

Customizing Availability and Locations for Multi-Host Booking Calendars

For Booking Calendars with multiple hosts, you can define shared or individual settings by selecting the Customize availability and locations option in the Booking Settings Tab:

  • For All Hosts: Set unified availability and locations for all hosts and co-hosts.
  • For Some Hosts: Customize availability and locations for each host individually.

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